Growing the Game in Upstate, New York
Upstate Elite Field Hockey


Q: Is Upstate Elite a Club Team?

A: Nope! Upstate Elite is an elite style training program designed to optimize feedback and improve overall technical skill and game awareness through focused, one-hour sessions.

Q: Do you offer Private Lessons?

A: At this time, I have limited availability for private lessons. I am happy to recommend local coaches that can help out!

Q: What age groups are encouraged to participate in Upstate Elite?

A: At this time, grades 8-12 that have had one year of experience at the high school level are welcome to attend. Keep an eye out for certain events that may be geared toward a younger age group. Athletes are grouped by experience level.

Q: What are acceptable forms of payment?

A: Checks, Venmo, and cash are acceptable forms of payment.

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: The goal is that your child is able to get the most out of the training by attending as many sessions as possible. If injury or illness prevents your child from participating in 50% or more of the sessions the athlete will receive credit toward future Upstate Elite training. Please email with specific questions.